jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Cajas para la protección de libros

Boxes for the Housing and Protection
of Books: Observations on their History
and Development

By Gianlorenzo Pignatti
Protective boxes and cases for storage of manuscripts and printed books have a long history. Daniel Solander’s invention at the end of the 18th century was so significant that today his name identifies his box. The 20th century has seen a great development of the book conservation practice, including box-making. Influenced by anti-restoration beliefs and gifted with remarkable skills, British and Irish master bookbinders have created wooden boxes that retain their original function many years after their construction. In this paper, examples of wooden boxes are presented and their features are discussed. Research into book conservation techniques increased after the Florence flood in 1966. The box-making practice was also influenced and the Phased-Box evolved shortly after the flood. A glimpse into the history of the Phased-Box allows one to observe recent changes of this box-style.

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